After completing a Master of Engineering in Material Science at Dartmouth, co-founder Kazi Ahmed joined the Dartmouth Ice Research Lab. The research addressed a significant problem in deicing – it’s very inefficient and wastes a lot of energy. At the Ice Lab, they studied in great detail, the way ice forms and bonds to surfaces with electrostatic, hydrogen and Van der Waals interactions. They developed optimized methods to remove ice by only focusing on breaking these interactions at surface, inside of the interfacial layer of ice. The most effective method to break these bonds is to pulse power from the material surface. The pulsing creates heat in a way that finely controls the how far the heat penetrates the ice so that it only reaches the interfacial layer, less than 0.1mm. The environment around the ice doesn't heat up and waste heat. These methods use10-20X less energy than current methods and are very quick.
At Betterfrost, we utilize these methods to develop the most efficient and quickest methods for defrosting and surface heating. We know understand what is minimal heat necessary and our algorithms deliver only that amount of heat. No body does this more efficiently than Betterfrost!